His excites, hers delights, together, they ignite! Set includes a 1.5 fluid ounce bottle of personal lubricant for him called, “Yours” and a 1.5 fluid ounce bottle of personal lubricant for her called, “Mine”. When you are ready to take your intimacy to the next level, reach for a trusted brand!
Lubes, Under $25
K-Y Yours & Mine Gift Set
His excites, hers delights, together, they ignite! Set includes a 1.5 fluid ounce bottle of personal lubricant for him called, “Yours” and a 1.5 fluid ounce bottle of personal lubricant for her called, “Mine”. When you are ready to take your intimacy to the next level, reach for a trusted brand!
Availability: 26 in stock
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